Saturday, October 16, 2010

What To Do When A Tree Is Falling And Is Gonna Smash You

Well i went to my dads this weekend cuz it was my fall break!.....and we went my dad was cutting down a dead tree and says its all good where im standing  my brother is pushing the tree to the other trees. why? im not sure but when the tree fell down i hear my brother yell timber!!! so i look up and the tree is falling to the side completly away from me...but wait it bounces off the other trees and comes straight to me. and what do i do?... i stare at it while its about to smash me. luckly my senses kicked in....and this is a lesson on what to do if this ever happens to you...SCREAM AND RUN!!!!!!! it could save your life.


  1. I am glad you ran!!!! Or we would have had a squished Tracey.

  2. yes tht would..tickle
